Saturday, August 5, 2017

The life of the heroes enriched the story, and the story adorned heroic deeds.

\ J. Labriere \

It is believed that any fact, however dubious, is more significant than any game of the mind, no matter how deep it may be.

\ G.Vidal \

A true artist creates, even copying. - G. Lebon

The great art of every politician is not to swim against the current, but to turn every circumstance in his favor. - Frederick the Great

No matter how you speak, your native language will always remain your own. When you want to talk to your liking, not a single French word goes to your head, and if you want to flash, then it's different. - L. Tolstoy

Begin to play for fun, continue from stinginess, and end up by the fact that the game becomes a passion. - F. Brewes

To repeat another's words does not mean to understand their meaning. - D. Rumi

People will always attract the most incommensurable ideas. - M. Arnold

Fear then gives wings to the legs, then rivet them to the ground. - M. Montaigne

 In the eyes of women, the idea always has a face. - F. Croisset

Health is much more dependent on our habits and nutrition than on medical art. - D. Lubbock

The benefits of the opponents are unquestionable: they affirm us in the belief that without them we would realize our ideals. - J. Rostand

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