Saturday, August 12, 2017

Napoleon Bonaparte from Russia. 1812 year.

In 2012, Russia marks the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812 and the Battle of Borodino, during which the Russian army defeated the army of Napoleon.
France less loudly marks two centuries since the Napoleonic campaign in Russia, but in Paris the Napoleon Foundation issued a collection of letters from Napoleon, dedicated to the events of the war of 1812.
The book includes documents from the archives of France and Russia and is called "The Correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte for 1812".
She was introduced on April 10 at a ceremony at the residence of the Russian ambassador to France, Alexander Orlov.
"This collection allows one to follow the history of the Napoleonic campaign day after day," said Napoleon Foundation President Victor-André Massena, Earl d'Essling, a descendant of the Marshal of the Napoleonic Army. "We are grateful to the Russian side, who provided a series of letters for the publication of the French emperor from the archives of Russia."
"The correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte for 1812" is prepared for publication by a group of famous French historians led by Thierry Lentz and more than 50 volunteer researchers. The letters deal with all aspects of the Russian campaign.
More than half of the 2,5 thousand documents - in addition to the messages of the emperor himself, as well as the reports of his generals - were published for the first time.
"We started publishing Napoleon's correspondence ten years ago, in 2002." said Professor Lenz. - The Russian campaign stands apart in the history of Napoleonic campaigns, it did not fit into the usual canons of war.
The invasion of Russia turned out to be disastrous for the Great Army, which did not know the defeats before. "

Bakalavich "Napoleon in front of Moscow."

In letters from August 1812 on, the concern over the state of affairs has repeatedly slipped.
As Thierry Lenz says, the French emperor initially hoped that he would be able to enter Moscow, as well as, for example, in Vienna: with a decorum, with honors, and then calmly negotiate. But, as you know, the abandoned Moscow turned out to be a "poisoned surprise" for Napoleon.
In Russian history books, it was written earlier that it was Napoleon's troops who burned Moscow; In the French - that it set the Russians on fire. One of the volunteers of the Napoleon Foundation told how she kept in her hands the letters of the French military, who described the special fire of Moscow in several places by Muscovites.
It remains only to understand: do you believe these French officers?

The 12th volume of Napoleon's "Full Correspondence"
© Elena Yakunina

Vladimir Kush Morning in Japan
That war had rather unusual consequences. It was a national, people's, the whole country rose against the conqueror. But, strangely enough, this aggressor did not generate a strong hatred in the future, and both countries experienced certain sympathies for each other after a while. The Cossacks stood for almost a year on the Champs-Elysées, French soldiers captured, Russified, got their families, and the royal court continued to speak French.

In total, the Napoleon Foundation collected 41 thousand letters from Napoleon.
In the 12th volume, a French campaign to Russia, all the vicissitudes of a gigantic military epic, is traced day after day.

"Napoleon in Moscow, the year 1812".
The lithography of Weibecel according to the original by F. Frenzel. 1830s.

The current volume of Napoleonic letters "1812" is ninety percent filled with correspondence about the Russian company. We will not find here the same passionate letters to Mary-Louise, which Bonaparte once wrote to Josephine. Now he was occupied with very different things: under the Smolensk strange way the Italian division was lost; There were not enough places in the hospitals; Until recently, the iron discipline was loosened up, shoes for soldiers were constantly required.

At the presentation of the book, dedicated to the events that united the two countries, V.A. Massena jokingly remarked that this is the first time when the Napoleonic structure peacefully invades Russian territory, which is the embassy. And more seriously added: "The trail of that war is noticeable and in 200 years - still to express the tragic coloring of the event the French express lapidary - this is Berezina. And immediately it becomes clear that the case is rubbish. "
The terrible defeat of the retreating army on the river Berezina (the present territory of Belarus) became an aphorism.

After a dubious repetition through Bezesin in a letter dated November 30, 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte constantly speaks of a shortage of provisions and looting among his soldiers: "... prepare bread, biscuits, meat and other products for the meeting of our army." "If this is not provided, I can only pity the city." It's about Vilnius, where the FP people came in hopes of supporting forces.
"Only the abundance of provisions can put everything in order." The army is terribly tired after a forty-five-hour passage, "Napoleon admits. And further on the need for police patrols.
Several times Napoleon uses the word "vagabonds" and even "robbers". The last expression, probably, was given to Napoleon is not easy, because it was about his own army.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Lucien Delarue. The cathedrals and bridges in the fog are outlined ...

The cathedrals and bridges in the fog are outlined ...
Love you, Paris! Accept my recognition!
Wrapped in moire, hurrying on a date,
Play and sing, Paris about the windy desires.

Artemyev Irena

Spain Mark paintings for sale

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Miro Vlasic. I still dream

I still dream

Let's dream! Early in the evening and at dusk.
In the roads, in cares, in the fog of everyday puts.
On complex forks, in captivity of uneasy dots,
At the edge of the cliff, at the peak of the running minutes ..
Above a cot, in embraces or in insult ...
In the heat of heated debate, and in the cold of sensual winters ...
Moving from the cherished orbit in the past,
Changing, for the sake of someone, the usual regime ...
Almost freezing from the fate that had become fate,
Couple with longing, loneliness by force teasing ...
Let's dream! This is the best remedy for boredom!
And a way to find the strength for a new day!

Zlata Litvinova

Once it was a misty morning ...

Morning Crows

Morning dew in the fog.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Timothy Karpinski. Hopeless civilization

"... the cat was sitting on the washstand and looked at me, it seemed - with sympathy and understanding, but in fact - with a slight mockery ..."
The Council did not sit for long - the situation was simple and understandable ...
The civilization of the three-dimensional world on the third planet from its Sun (just a tautology comes out) is completely hopeless, untrained and it is not worth the share of all efforts of the Council of Watching Supreme Beings - this is how the High Priestess of the Council spoke, screwing up her amazing cat eyes ...
Numerous reports of agents dispersed by the Council throughout the studied planet - only confirmed her statements to the full ... even more - their complaints simply flooded all the websites of the Council ... they demanded and yelled - a quick reaction and understanding ...

The High Priestess calmed the emotional exclamations from the hall with a slight swing of the graceful paw, knocked with claws on the platform, and finally pressed the button of the final decision of the Council - there was not much time, and civilizations for consideration - were enough with interest ...
The council was unanimous, even the wise Holy One, who lived the last, ninth life, supported the general opinion -
"To erase civilization, in the most humane way ... save the planet, agents - not yet recall ..."
... a soft buzzer of an incoming report from an agent ...

The High Priestess brought to the general screen the last report -
"... not hopeless ... please delay the execution of the decree and prolong the period of study ..."
"We'll carry it," she sighed, "we're not animals, after all ..."
The Council supported and smiled wisely ...
The Wise Holy One - smiled particularly broadly and sincerely, right into the fluffy mustache ...

"... the cat sat on the washstand and looked at me ...
... I smiled wisely and knowingly opened the tap - let it drink fresh water, it's not a pity ... we, after all - are not animals ... »...

Yuri Rybka

Author - Timothy Karpinski

Timothy Karpinski grew up in New Jersey.
Skateboarding and art, he devoted most of his time.
He also draws inspiration from his love for music, space, typography, yoga, gardening, that is, to nature and science.
In 2004, Karpinsky received an award in graphic design and painting from Castleton State College in Castleton, VT.

Timothy Karpinski is a master of wit.
He is the owner of one of the best art libraries on this side of the Mississippi.
Currently Timothy Karpinski lives in Portland, Oregon, where he works in the gallery and is engaged in his favorite art.

Music: Shoji Yokouchi Quintet - HAUNTED GUITAR

Another dimension of Salvador Dali

In the distant 2010 I made the post "Limoges porcelain set made with engravings by Salvador Dali."
Recently, there was a lot of attention to him, so I decided to look at him.
I saw some stub of fasting - thanks to Radical! (((
I, frankly, do not understand what people are quoting in such cases, but decided to restore the lost, slightly improving.
Well, as it often happens, "... in the process of the path the dog was able to grow." ))

A witch on a broomstick.
1974 porcelain, cobalt, gold
Manufacturer: Raynaud 'a Limoges

- Don Salvador, on the stage!
- Don Salvador is always on stage!
\ Salvador Dali \
The world of the subconscious and the world of dreams, psychoanalysis and literature are intertwined in Dali's creativity, creating an atmosphere of a different dimension or curved space.
Creativity Dali is perhaps the most surreal of all world surrealism.
It remains only to guess what thoughts circled in the head of the artist, when he created his works.
Dali's specific style, which even in small details used optical tricks and illusions, gives the impression of an endless layering of meanings and subtexts, a rebus, which everyone involuntarily must unravel, peering at the image.
Guess, meditation and admiration.
These are the three whales for which I love surrealism. And it does not matter, whether it's a man-made cloth, or a banal plate.

Golden calf.
1974 porcelain, cobalt, gold
Manufacturer: Raynaud 'a Limoges

This work of art is one of the masterpieces associated with the name of the great and terrible Salvador Dali.
The rarest set of Limoges porcelain from 6 plates is the result of the cooperation of Salvador Dali, Pierre Arzhile and Andre Reno. What is called, figured out for three. ))
Let's plunge into the annals of history.
In 1934, Dali first met with the famous photographer, publisher and passionate admirer of Dali's art, Pierre Arzhile.
This meeting grew into a close creative cooperation, which lasted more than 50 years.
By order of Argyle, Dali performed 190 etchings on copper, which, in the main, were illustrations to the works of classical and modern literature published by Pierre Arzhile.
Among them - Dante's Divine Comedy, Cervantes's Don Quixote, Goethe's Faust, the poems of Ronsard and Apollinaire, Venus in the Furs of Sacher-Masoch, Surrealist Tavromachia, and Mythology.
In 1970, after the opening of the Furstenberg Gallery in Paris by Pierre Arzhile, the first thought arose of transferring some graphic sheets of Dali to porcelain plates.
There were selected 4 illustrations for "Faust" (Faust, Horse of Destiny, Golden Taurus, Sabbat (Walpurgis Night) and 2 illustrations for "Venus in Furs" by Sacher-Masoch (Woman with a Whip and Secret Ceremony).
Outside this series it was also decided to release another plate with an illustration to "Faust" (Gretchen).
This extra plate with a portrait of Gretchen was released without cobalt coating, on white porcelain with gilding.

1974 porcelain, gold
Manufacturer: Raynaud 'a Limoges

In 1974, this work was entrusted to Andre Reno, then owner of one of the largest porcelain manufacturers in France - Renault-Limoges, specializing in the production of small-circulation porcelain products.
The uniqueness of this collection is the presence of the original signature of Salvador Dali on each plate.
The whole set is made in the classical technique of the Sevres Porcelain Manufactory, which allowed the masters to achieve a special deep blue shade called (bleu de four or bleu de sevres - sevre blue).
The sets of plates were issued in a limited edition of two thousand copies, each plate has its serial number and a titanium certificate confirming its origin.
The company "Reno-Limoges", which has existed since 1849, is the owner of a unique technology for making Limoges porcelain, in particular, the deposition of gold on cobalt coatings, ensuring the perfect reproduction accuracy of the original drawing.
Rene-Limoges products are in great demand among crowned individuals and owners of ancient castles in Europe, because for the creators of this unique porcelain, the passion that they put into masterpieces of enduring value and beauty comes first.

1974 porcelain, cobalt, gold
Manufacturer: Raynaud 'a Limoges

Horse of destiny.
1974 porcelain, cobalt, gold
Manufacturer: Raynaud 'a Limoges

A secret ceremony.
1974 porcelain, cobalt, gold
Manufacturer: Raynaud 'a Limoges

by Royo paintings for sale