Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fiery beauty in paintings Henry Asencio

The legendary sage Ahikaru credited famous dictum that love is like a sizzling beauties flame. Paintings talented Californian artist Henry Asencio - a true hymn to the beauty of the female body.
I Begli Archi
Henry Asencio - a talented young artist. In 1996, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in San Francisco and became one of the finalists of the art competition, which carried out the magazine Artistas Magazine.

The work of Henry Asencio - masterfully executed portrait of a woman - appreciated, and a certain time, the artist chose to work in this genre.

Soon, the artist realized how important it is for him not only to capture some features seen them women, but also to create generalized images, producing its own aesthetic concept.

Most of the paintings Henry Asencio written in the palette knife technique or oil-based paints, which allows successfully combine the texture image with the expression of feelings.

Among his teachers talented artist called Gustav Klimt and Picasso, complementing classical technique hints of abstract art.

Henry Asencio work can be called the modern ideal of elegance and refined sensuality, the qualities possessed by every woman.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Beautiful flowers Abbott Fuller Graves (Abbott Fuller Graves)

Abbott Fuller Graves Abbott Fuller Graves (1859-1936)-renowned American artist and illustrator. He wrote mostly floral still lifes and beautiful gardens. Born in Weymouth (Massachusetts). Since childhood, painted in watercolor, dreamed of becoming an architect. Enrolled in the Institute of Technology of Boston, but did not finish it due to financial problems. Took a job at the local conservatory, where he was engaged in drawing up of wedding bouquets. Fascinated by the beauty of flowers, he began to portray them on canvas. Exposed for the first time his work at an exhibition in Boston, he has gained a well-deserved fame, and then began to improve their talent. Now picture Abbott Fuller Graves are in private and public collections in America.

The splendor of the magnificent full
Oh Rose, you're the source of admiration.
Was nature at its birth
You are in purple and carmine dressed.

So be happy until you are given
Alas, not a long flowering time!
Let death come, but pleasure,
What you eat does not take away it!

It will break your hand dispassionate,
But imagine yourself to be, you happy,
That die young and beautiful.
Juana Ines de la Cruz.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bright painting Albanian artist Ylli Haruni

Ylli Haruni, a graduate of the prestigious Institute of Arts in Tirana in 1976.

Basque LĂ©onard Parent paintings

Fall Canada

Fishing, Buffalo

River Coyote Gallery, Mississauga

Small Talk in Elmood Ave

Light House, Mississauga

Lights on Elmwood Ave